Friday, March 11, 2011

A Fresh Success!

Well I think its safe to say our first Sew Fresh! meeting was a HUGE success! We had nearly 40 ladies show up which was the most pleasant of surprises! We were running around until the very last minute trying to find more and more chairs for the ladies who kept pouring in! It was so nice to see as much excitement as we felt about this new venture!

A great big THANK YOU to everyone who came out and to those who shared Show & Tell! The whole event left us all so inspired and ready for this group to grow and really get underway!

We'll be meeting again next month on Thursday, April 14th from 6-7pm. We will also be collecting the $25 yearly dues at this meeting, this is just a once a year cost to help cover future guest speakers!

Hope to see each and everyone of you fun ladies again!

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