Monday, January 31, 2011

What is Sew Fresh?

Sew Fresh is a place for fabric-loving crafters with a modern style to come together for ideas, inspiration, and community! Whether you're a whiz on the sewing machine or you're literally terrified to use one, this group is where you can get new project ideas, learn fun and different techniques, participate in creative conversation and see that ANYONE can make lovely & modern creations for your home, family and more!

Each month there will be an Inspiration Theme with project ideas or demonstrations, but this is just a sort of jumping board for the evening! Feel free to bring your current projects for Show & Tell, we would LOVE to see what everyone is working on! This is a GREAT way to get the creative juices flowing!

Our first meet up will be Thursday, March 10th from 6-7pm at the Cabbage Rose but feel free to come early!

There will be a yearly due of $25 to help cover costs like guest speakers and other fun stuff for the future but we won't collect dues until our 2nd meeting in April so you can come and try before you buy! ;)

We'd also like to have an active online community so we've created a Flickr group called Sew Fresh! Creations where anyone can upload pictures of their latest fabric creations! This is another fun way to share more projects and ideas or get some inspiration from others!

Be sure to check back here soon to find out our Inspiration Theme for the first meeting!

Hope to see a bunch of awesome ladies there!!!


  1. This sounds like fun!!!! Is there a limited number?

  2. I am so excited about this! Yea Cabbage Rose!!!

  3. This sounds wonderful! Do we need to register, or should we just show up?

  4. I want to check it out but can't make the first meeting. Hopefully I can send a friend to check it out for the both of us!

  5. There's no limited number and the first meeting is open for everyone to try it out! We'll have a registration sheet and charge dues in our second meeting. So feel free to just drop by for the first one to see if you love it! {you will}

    Excited to see you ladies there!

  6. Looking forward to the first meeting!

  7. Planning on coming (for the first time) to the 2nd meeting. Can I check it out before paying dues? I live 45 minutes away and I know I'm going to love the class but am wondering if I can make it on time! But really, any excuse to get into Cabbage Rose is a pretty good motivator to get MOVING!

  8. Sure! If you plan to come back, then you can pay your dues at the end of the meeting or the next one!
