Friday, July 1, 2011

Meeting Date Changed!!!

Hey everyone! We're having a little change of plans that I think you'll all be excited about! We are going to push back our July meeting from the 14th to the 21st so that it will coincide with the Marie Bostwick Presentation, Dinner & Book Signing!!

Meet Marie Bostwick - Presentation, Dinner & Book Signing Thursday, July 21st
For those of you who don't know, Marie is a New York Times bestselling author known for her Cobbled Court novels and has just released the newest book in the series, Threading the Needle. She'll be sharing some amazing quilts made throughout the most trying times of history as well as sharing her own story of how quilting has carried her through times of personal crisis. Then we'll have a light dinner and Marie will be signing books afterwards
This is a $5 event, but it's free to all of our Sew Fresh members!! We just ask that if you know you'll be attending, that you email us so that we can put you on the RSVP list!
We are really excited to hear her presentation and we hope you are too! 

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